If you’re not playing role in this fight right now, what are you waiting for? It’s time to get in the fight! You’re not going to get a written invitation!

To the men out there, what are doing to assure your family is safe and secure as we go through the rougher stages of this battle?

Are you simply hoping for somebody else to solve things? Are you simply going into your day as if nothing were wrong?

Or, are you daring to step up and play a serious role in making sure this country remains free?

Today, we speak with Scott McKay, the Patriot Streetfighter about what you can do, man or woman, to be part of the solution.

The world needs us all to step up and take a stand. When we do, we will win! If we don’t…. let’s not even think about that.

Links to Scott’s Sites:

(Note: Scott was not in his studio, so we opted to do this episode audio only.)

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